Rainbow Forward Task Force
- Mission: Increase the Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index (MEI) score for Kenosha, which means that Kenosha has made strides to build safer and more equitable spaces for the LGBTQIA community. Kenosha’s MEI score of 51 is currently the lowest in the state.
- 2023 Actions:
- Banned Book Drive: Collected donated books that have appeared on banned books lists. Over 200 titles were donated to start a library.
- Transgender Day of Remembrance: Organized a program for the Transgender Community, Allies, and community to remember those Brother and Sisters who we have lost due to hate crimes, suicide, and those unknown.
- Assisted Reverend Dr. Monica L. Cummings with the Stonewall Anniversary Program in June which was also an action to raise awareness about the removal of the Rainbow Flag during Pride Month at the Kenosha County Courthouse.
Members: 6 (2 directly impacted and 4 adjacently impacted)
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Task Force Chair Cal Miller: cal88miller@gmail.com